Monday, January 21, 2008

Biking through the cacti...

Biking through the cacti is fun to do,
fun to do,
to do, to do,
Biking through the cacti is fun to do,
Especially when you're through.

Watching Brigham wheelie is fun to do,
fun to do,
yooo hooo, yooo hooo,
Watching Brigham wheelie is fun to do,
Especially when he's through, (but so tired that when he wheelies over, his legs are too tired to support himself and he tumbles to the desert floor in-front of the entire grandstand.)

See uTube for details.


Brigham said...

I have a sneakin' suspicion that my results aren't posted b/c of that little stunt.

♥ÜbRoOkEÜ♥ said...

That's a pretty sweet pic dad. Im glad you did good on that race!

dulces said...

Wish I could have been there. . .I really enjoy cheering you on while you are competing. You are one fierce competitor!!!!!

Shannon said...

SWEET! That would have been so awesome to watch!!!
So what place were you??!!