Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Not the hopping skateboard move, but the 2nd of Chuck Dicken's novels, Oliver Twist. Kelly lent me a copy and I just finished it on the plane yesterday. Typical classic. Tough to read through at times, but well-worth the effort.
Poor Oliver Twist can't buy a break in life, due largely to the society and governments turning their backs on the poor and needy. (England even had a law, during Dicken's time, that made begging illegal.) He eventually comes across someone who has true charity, takes him in and cares for him.
Admirable how Dicken's rips the government and it's ridiculous programs with his writing. Must have been quite controversial.
Makes you wonder how much we neglect the poor and needed and pass judgment on those in need.

1 comment:

EuroScan said...

Definately a great read and thought provoking to boot. I loved it!