Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bloggin' from my closet....I mean sweet office.

Howdy Ya'll! This is my inaugural blog. Enjoy! I'll try to include events and experiences that are not just a reporting of my day's activities but have entertainment or potential value. (The picture to the left here is the place in Munich where Hitler rallied his followers before they marched North to take over the government. Draw any parallels you would like.)

As many of you know, I work from a home office. The home office has many advantages and they far out-weigh the disadvantages for me. But I can't tell if I graduated to a home office or was demoted to a home office and should be striving to work from a real office or should be elated with my home office boondoggle. For me to decide I guess.

Well, Some of the advantages of my home office include:
  • Short Commute (about 50 yards from bed to chair)
  • Lax dress code (usually what I slept in until noon, then workout clothes, then shorts and a t-shirt)
  • Choice co-workers (Jane, Brynn and Sophie most of the time)
  • Distance to fridge, shooter, weight room and workout partner, pool and bed (for 19 minute power naps).
  • Focus on work without the disruption of nosy co-workers, boss and employees

However, it also includes a few disadvantages.

  • Proximity to fridge/pantry, etc. (see how some of these are advantages and disadvantages at the same time? Wierd, huh)
  • Sophie interrupting customer or team con calls by coming into the office with yogurt or pudding or a banana or another treat for her to eat and wanting me to open. Or her blasting Yo Gaba Gaba, Dora or Sponge Bob from the room next to me before I can put the phone on mute.

  • Brynn coming in to take paper off the printer every few minutes for her "Drawerings" (pronounced like Mike Meyers). Which, every time she takes paper out of the tray, it messes with the print tray and gives me a paper jam the next time I try to print something. (arrrrrggghhhh).

  • Jane. No disadvantages here other than periodic work productivity hiccups that come in the form of......"Todd?.....I need to run to the store for a minute, I just put Sophie down for a nap.........bye!"

  • Scorpions sniffing at my toes under my built-in desk.

  • Being my personal IT support staff. (I need my brother Shea here full-time to help.)
In the rental house where we are, which we affectionately refer to as the "sweet, ghetto scorpion ranch", my office space is really the size of a walk-in closet next to the family room. It has a desk and built-in cabinets and book cases and such, but is really quite narrow. To give you an idea, I have just enough room to spin a 180 in my chair for easy entry and exit, but that is about it. It does have a window so I can see daylight as I type, think and talk. Well, here is a photo to give you a visual.

So all in all, I heartily recommend the home office, even if your space is a closet and you have interruptions that include the blaring of ....."there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy, la, la, la." --from "yo gaba gaba" sing along or something, very repetitive, over and over and over and over again.

Well, that's a snippet of what's to come.

Later skaters


♥ÜbRoOkEÜ♥ said...

sweet blog! soon, you'll have like 50 comments!

Anonymous said...

Nice, T. I'm envious of your window. My cube has similar in-180 and 180-out chair rotational capacity. I'm just glad I don't have to decide which side of my desk to go around to get in/out. One less thing to think about, right?

Jax said...

Hey that's the T that I remember, back in the good old days, boxing and playin marbles at grandmas house.

chase said...

i was wondering if you'd tell them about the pink desktop and lace curtains, but i guess you showed 'em.

chase said...

uh, that was me, not chase.

Brigham said...


From the pic, looks like you're polishing up your 3s and 4s. Keep up the good work, Buddy. -Brigham

Shannon said...

I think the Advantages outway BIG TIME!! You forgot you also get to go out Biking, Running, swimming, or all of the Above, whenever Right?!
Do you guys watch the Office? HILARIOUS... If you don't, Start!
Welcome to blogging!

Shannon said...

oh and...LOVE the pic!

Jake Beeson said...

The photo doesn't show how little that office really is. You need to bring a footlong sub in there for some perspective.

Jonah said...

I'm already a fan! Keep it comin'!

Heather said...

Let's just be grateful for any space, and a job, shall we? My sweet husband would tell you there are no disadvantages to working from home. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I'm sure of it!

EuroScan said...

Fun blog! I like to hear from my fellow office workers! I'm working on getting myself a home office :-)

Jared Osmond said...

We miss you guys!

I too love working from home. Nothing like doing the dishes in your PJ's and making business calls with the sound of "Barney" in the background.

- Jared

Lizzie said...

13 comments...that's more than I have ever had. I wish I could be as popular as you.

♥ÜbRoOkEÜ♥ said...

You've got TONS of comments! you have one famous, cool blog.

Candace said...

I think I would enjoy the home office myself

katie said...

sweeeeeeeet! now you can have tons o0f fun to!